The Infamous Holly Tales
Holly the Artist
I came home to quite a surprise tonight thanks to Holly. Apparently she was feeling artistic tonight. We had a bit of rain today and it looks like the dogs had fun playing in the mud. They all have dirty paws, and it looks like quite a bit of digging went on while I was at work.
Holly, however, can never do anything half way. Here I have three dogs with muddy paws, and a walking brown mud puddle who should be a seal and white long coated Mal. Tip of nose to tip of tail she is covered in mud...and it's soaked right down to her skin. Ah, yes, I guess Holly felt the need for a beauty treatment and so took a mud bath.
My surprise did not end with a muddy dog (of course not...this is Holly we are talking about). Upon turning my kitchen light on I discovered the sliding glass doors are streaked with mud. I didn't get the full effect though till I walked outside and turned all the lights on. My house (the whole back side, including two sliding glass doors) has been "decorated" Holly style. Up as high as she could reach there are artistic patterns and swirls of mud, and she signed it repeatedly with nice clear paw prints. It looks like she was working on the fence when I got home. I'm going to have to check out the full effect once I have daylight tomorrow...and try to get a picture. My house looks like a three year old went to town with a bucket of brown finger paint.
And what am I spending the rest of my evening doing. I bet most of you can guess. That mud is never going to dry up and fall out of Holly's coat so it's off to the tub for her. Thank goodness for that Circuiteer dryer or I'd never get her dry tonight. Sigh, the price I pay for having a creative dog :-)

When I origionally posted this to the Malamute-L I must have had 10 people say I should go get her some paint and see what she would do. I was not particularly inclined to try it. Months later, however, I was reminded that I should give her some paint to play with by no less than 4 people the same night that I ran into a neighbor throwing out her grandkids finger paint (I guess the grandkids decided to help repaint the kitchen and grandma was less than impressed). I couldn't resist...and the results were not too bad. No, I didn't turn Holly loose in my house with paint, I'm not that crazy. This was a supervised project, however all the work was done by Holly. All I did was hold the pad of paper.